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Here is 1 tube XADO RESTORING grease!
XADO Grease “Restoring” is designed for restoring of units and mechanisms operating under heavy loads.
The grease forms a new cermet layer on friction surfaces: the parts grow in volume and restore their original geometry.
It extends the life span of the parts considerably.
Practical experience:
The main object of any tube-rolling mill is a tube mill. A gear of the driving unit of tube mill “Ural-2M” set at Dnepropetrovsky tube-rolling mill was produced more than 30 years ago. It expended its resource during years of operation. Wear of gears was about 30% in thickness! The gear surface was covered with scratches and bubbles 4 mm deep.
The wear progressed, the unit needed urgent repair. But the production of this equipment was stopped in Ural. They asked other plants for assistance but after having studied the construction of the equipment they realized that they could not help. The engineers of one plant agreed to manufacture the needed units but their production would take 3 years.
For that the engineers had to invent something in order to stop the wear of the tube mill and keep the unit in a working condition at least for three years until a new gear for this unit was produced. Thus revitalization was the only possible way to solve the problem.
The gear was treated with XADO grease Restoring and operated in a regular mode.
The unit was stopped in 526 hours of operating.
After having examined the gear it turned out that the gear started to recover! Small scratches and bubbles on the gear surface disappeared, the wear was stopped! The measurements showed that a cermet layer - 400-600 mkm thick (more than half a millimeter) - was formed on the surfaces of the gears.
As a result the plant had not only a three years reserve but also improved performance level of the mechanism. For example the electricity consumption reduced by 26,6% at idling and by 12,5% under loads.
eliminates wear quickly;
prolongs life span of units;
eliminates scratches and microcracks;
reduces noise and vibration;
rejects heat from friction areas;
can stand high rotation speed;
compensates 50% wear;
eliminates corrosion and protects units from hostile environment.
The patented formula of this up-to-date grease is based on a composition of XADO revitalizant and EP complex (Extreme Pressure).
Method of application:
Step 1:
Remove the old grease.
Step 2:
Fill 1/2 of unit volume with XADO Grease “Restoring”.
The grease is especially effective for restoration and protection of bearings from wear (up to 10,000 rpm).
If assembles require periodical grease changing you should use XADO Grease “Protective” later on.
DOSAGE 125 ml tube
Payment PayPal
Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping within 48 hours after payment.
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